Full Body Post Holiday Burn

Описание к видео Full Body Post Holiday Burn

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  / fitbodybyjulia  

**Equipment I use**

official website: www.gxmmat.net
amazon website: www.amazon.com/gxmmat

Weights: Power Block Dumbbells U70 set up to 40 lbs: http://www.powerblock.com/prod_homeus...

Expansion kit on my Powerblock Dumbbells to make them go up to 60lbs: http://www.powerblock.com/prod_homeus...

PowerBlocks on YouTube:
   / powerblockvideos  

Titan Fitness EZ curl bar: https://www.titan.fitness/4-olympic-e...

Titan Fitness Elite Olympic bumper plates: https://www.titan.fitness/230-lb-set-...

Titan Fitness adjustable kettlebell: https://www.titan.fitness/10-35-lb-ad...

Titan Fitness bar jack: https://www.titan.fitness/mini-bar-ja...

Versa Grips: http://a.co/d/a5ghPX9

Squat sponge: http://a.co/d/3jNqT4H

Sandbag: Iron Core Athletics Pink Sandbag Training Fitness Workout System: http://a.co/h6hG80Y *I have the Medium size bag and have it filled to 52.5 lbs*

Plyo Box: Stamina X adjustable height plyo box: http://a.co/9dcH6iq

Grippy sling shot Hip Circle: http://a.co/d/2T37XD4

Ankle weights: Gold’s Gym 5 Lb: http://a.co/2ekh8HD

Bosu Ball: http://a.co/dG0lT9u


Full Body Post Holiday Burn
BB pyramid 4x
1. 3 hang cleans
2. 4 power cleans
3. 5 push press
4. 6 sumo dL
5. 7 front box squat
** between each set do: Single side DB complex **
1. Staggered push-up 5 reps
2. SA snatch 6 reps
3. Sa row 7 reps

Upper body pyramid: 3x
1. Manmakers 5 reps
2. Lateral raises 6 reps
3. Front raises 7 reps

Lower body pyramid: 3x
1. step ups 5/leg
2. Static curtsy lunges 6/leg
3. Back squats 7 reps

*Burpee work between each lower body set*
1. Burpee clean & press 5 reps
2. Rev grip push-up bi curl 6 reps
3. Tricep burpee Tricep kick back 7 reps
Tabata pair:
1. Windmills
2. Flutter kick leg lifts


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