TGIF Workout

Описание к видео TGIF Workout

TGIF Workout
5 minute AMRAP
5 chair lunges
4 hands on bench hops
3 Incline Pushups
2/leg Rocket Step up Rev lunge Switch

Pyramid evens 8-2
1. staggered pushup plank bag/weight drags
2. Sa swing to switch catch and squat
3. T-stand flys 8/arm
4. double arm snatch to alt heavy bi curls

EMOM 6 min
5 goodmornings
4 cleans
3 bent rows
2 dragon lunges/leg
1 burpee C&P

Hiit 50:10 ABAB
1. Box jump squat jump
2. plank rows hop knees in ninja and suitcase DL
3. Decline burpee DL
4. Froggy pushup to reset swing
5. roll back offset KB DL and step up
6. KB kickstand DL & tactical lunge

Ritter’s Giant "Add on" Set: 1x (first move is one rep, 2nd move add a rep on each round,1x, 2x, 3x, etc.)
1. Diamond Pushup Add on up to 5 Devils Press
2. Chest Fly Add on up to 6 crunch hold weighted cross/jab
3. reset swing add on up to 7 KB DL

EMOM - 6 min
5 Chest Fly Leg Lifts
4 Pullover OH sit up
3 Get ups


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