[다시보기] 엘가, 위풍당당 행진곡|Elgar, Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 in D major|

Описание к видео [다시보기] 엘가, 위풍당당 행진곡|Elgar, Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 in D major|

광복 77주년 기념 음악회
The Concert in Celebration of the 77th Anniversary of Liberation of Korea

2022년 8월 14일 광화문 광장
August 14th, 2022|Outdoor Stage, Gwanghwamun Square

지휘 김선욱
Sunwook Kim, conductor

연주 서울시립교향악단
Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra

🎼 엘가, 위풍당당 행진곡
Elgar, Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 in D major ('Land of Hope and Glory')

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