Double Dipped Black Dyed & Melting Soft Fresh Chalk (+couple of crunchy Rs)💕💕

Описание к видео Double Dipped Black Dyed & Melting Soft Fresh Chalk (+couple of crunchy Rs)💕💕

I was so determined to get the entire inside to be dyed black that I double dyed them. I drenched them in dye once, let them dry completely and then I drenched them again. Yet STILL there’s this white line!!! I personally love it but for once I’d like to have a more than one or two blocks that are completely dyed in black. Oh black dye why are you soooo troublesome? Let me not complain too much, at least my black blocks are mainly black and not teal or blue or dark violet or whatever else other black dyes churn out 🤦‍♀️ 💕💕

I have spent sooooo much money these past few weeks on chalk and supplies. You can see that ive acquired a few cartons of chalk recently and the amount of supplies like dyes, oils, powders and not to mention new dehydrators (with the generous help of the lovely subscriber R).

I truly don’t know if this is good knowing how people are suffering in this world. On the one hand I feel it’s worth it because it helps me and hopefully so many others. It’s like a therapy for us. And through this we are able to talk about very meaningful things and share life experiences.

But on the other hand I’m thinking maybe less of an obsession with finding the perfect chalk texture for asmr would be better because then I can use the same funds towards more important things? Like donating more to family members back home or charities that need support? It’s really not easy being a Christian, or even a believer in the Almighty God, because you truly cannot take a step without checking your soul/conscience if what you are doing aligns with God’s will. 💕

I’m currently praying the Holy Spirit Novena with UPJoe (Sunday is Pentecos) so I’m asking the Holy Spirit to give me the right counsel on this topic. I’m pretty sure the right answer is somewhere in between ALL or NOTHING. Like just a balanced approach - not overdoing it and not underdoing it. But as we all know, my self control when it comes to chalk is …. (Fill in the blank 😅💕💕💕)

Ps - Pray for me 🙏😅💕



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