Black & Yellow Dyed A Chalk + Fresh N and Ps💕

Описание к видео Black & Yellow Dyed A Chalk + Fresh N and Ps💕

I got a notification on PayPal yesterday and it was a significant cash gift from our friend R - regular watcher and commenter. She contributed a hefty amount towards my repairing dehydrator. I’m so eternally grateful. And the fact that she took time out to send it to me via PayPal so YouTube wouldn’t take a hefty cut - Angel DNA vibes. Where did you appear from dear R. Thank you for this level of love and care. I really appreciate it. May God bless you abundantly and replenish you a hundred fold. 💕💕💕

Right so this crush. Dyeing A Chalk is really an honour. It’s so lovely. I can’t believe all this time it never crossed my mind to dye it black? Like what? Why? Anyway sorry for such a crazy oversight. I’m glad I’ve regained my senses and did it because mmmmmmmm. That ALL black one was wawo. It’s a crispy flakey overload with this dyed A chalks. I’ve actually asked them if they can send me more A chalk just because of this video, haha. Let’s hope they agree to. 🙏💕

Then topped with a whole box of N and 4 blocks of P. P is currently the Problem child rn 😅. It’s not unique, it’s giving nothing new, but we still love it just the same. Although in this crush it was an excellent texture accompaniment to crispy A and fluffly N 😄, it was like dipping bread into
olive oil and balsamic. The bread is delicious already but that olive oil and balsamic release happy hormones so that you’re happy while eating 😂😂😂

Ps - im a chalkie but also a foodie (not really but kind of)💕💕



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