A Little Deep Sleep - an animated film about general anaesthetics with Generic hospital

Описание к видео A Little Deep Sleep - an animated film about general anaesthetics with Generic hospital

'A Little Deep Sleep - a Family Guide to Anaesthetics' aims to ease anxieties children may have about anaesthetics, giving them a clear idea about what might happen during a family's hospital visit. It takes the viewer on an authentic journey from entering hospital to going home, including undergoing anaesthetic and waking up after surgery.

The film was a collaboration between ForMed Films and Anaesthetists Judith Nolan and Anthony Bradley at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children and funded by the Grand Appeal charity for

The film is now available for other trusts to embed on their site. Please give a donation to The Grand Appeal: https://www.grandappeal.org.uk/

This version is the 2018 update with generic hospital.

ForMed Films make animated films and illustrations help people better understand medical and health issues, make informed health choices and engage in treatment. The films are based on people’s real lives, using real sound and hearing peoples experiences in their own voice.

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