If you constantly interpret & analyse other people's actions, please STOP. You deserve INNER PEACE.

Описание к видео If you constantly interpret & analyse other people's actions, please STOP. You deserve INNER PEACE.

Hello beautiful souls,

This video is for those who constantly try to interpret, analyse & justify other people's actions and behaviours. It's what people pleasers do. But I urge all of us to take a step back from this behaviour, and start prioritising OUR own reality, feelings and perception. Why? Because we deserve INNER PEACE.

If you're hurt by other people's action's, no matter how well-intentioned and well meaning they might be, what matters is how you feel.

Once you step into this power, you are then able to know with full confidence what you're willing and not willing to tolerate. This builds self-trust. This builds a stronger muscle for practising self-love.

So I repeat, it doesn't matter if that person or friend isn't 'bad' or 'harmful'. What matters is - are you willing to tolerate their action and behaviour that doesn't align with your self-worth?

Are you willing to accept the current situation and reality for what they are?

If you're not willing to, why is that?

Answer honestly.

It took me a long, long time to relearn this. But it was worth looking at myself with cold hard truths.

Prioritise your reality. Your feelings.

With love,


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