Support your people | Amber Xie | TEDxSanNewSchool

Описание к видео Support your people | Amber Xie | TEDxSanNewSchool

I’m an entrepreneur who is dedicated to boosting confidence in people, especially women. Fun fact about me: I have an empathy group which hosts meeting every Friday. So far it has been hosted for 33 weeks. It’s an event which encourages people to listen to those with opposite points of view. My talk is about supporting those around you, and yourself. I’m an entrepreneur who is dedicated to boosting confidence in people, especially women. Fun fact about me: I have an empathy group which hosts meeting every Friday. So far it has been hosted for 33 weeks. It’s an event which encourages people to listen to those with opposite points of view. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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