
Описание к видео 「韩国菜」韩国大妈的巫婆豆腐汤

1. 风干凤尾鱼 8个
2. 白萝卜 5 oz
3. 海带 (6 x 4 寸)
4. 韩国辣椒粉 2 Tbsp.
5. 芝麻油 1 tsp
6. 五花肉 1/2 cup
7. 洋葱 1/2 cup
8. 大蒜 1 瓣
9. 葱 1根
10. 泡菜 1/2 cup
11. 盐 1 tsp
12. 糖 1 tsp
13. 松豆腐
14. 鸡蛋 1个


• Track Info:

Title: Grapes
Artist: Wonki
Genre: Electronic / Tropical
Mood: Travel / Inspirational
• Licence:

You’re free to use this song in any of your videos, but you must include the following in your video description (Copy & Paste):

Grapes by Wonki @wonkimusic
Music provided by Free Music for Vlogs    • (Free Music for Vlogs) Wonki - Grapes  


• Contact the artist:



Free Music for Vlogs

This Youtube Channel is dedicated to search, catalog, sort and publish free music for vlogs and videos destined to content creators and filmmakers.


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