Apiary Gameplay - The Newest Stonemaier Game....Worker Placement Bees!

Описание к видео Apiary Gameplay - The Newest Stonemaier Game....Worker Placement Bees!

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In a far-distant future, humans no longer inhabit Earth. The cause of their disappearance (or perhaps their demise) is unknown, but their absence left a void ready to be filled by another sentient species.
Over the span of untold generations, one species of the humble honeybee evolved to fill that void. They grew in size and intelligence to become a highly advanced society. They call themselves Mellifera, and they have made substantial technological advances in addition to the technology they adapted from human ruins, up to and including space travel.
In Apiary, each player controls one of twenty unique factions. Your faction starts the game with a hive, a few resources, and worker bees. A worker-placement, hive-building challenge awaits you: explore planets, gather resources, develop technologies, and create carvings to demonstrate your faction's strengths (measured in victory points) over one year's Flow. However, the Dearth quickly approaches, and your workers can take only a few actions before they must hibernate! Can you thrive or merely survive?

BGG Link - https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/4...

0:00:00 - Overview
0:00:58 - Game Begins
0:01:37 - Explore Action
0:03:48 - Advance Action
0:16:48 - Research Action
0:17:58 - Grow Action
0:37:48 - Convert Action
0:45:30 - Wrapping Up

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