My Caridina Shrimps are BREEDING!!! | Caridina Shrimp Tank

Описание к видео My Caridina Shrimps are BREEDING!!! | Caridina Shrimp Tank

This tank is a success!!... so far... 🤞🤞

We call a "pregnant" shrimp a Berried Shrimp. That's when the female shrimp has their eggs fertilized and is developing under it's tail.
I never got this far, it's all new territory from here on out. I think I'm getting more of this kind of shrimps. I can finally have my own shrimp colony!!

00:00 | My inspiration from way back in the day
   • Ep.1 Sweet Potato Betta Tank SETUP  -...  
01:00 | Shrimp...and mosquito larvae...
01:30 | A cute face
02:10 | First molt seen
02:44 | Difference between male and female shrimp
03:13 | Ramshorn snail infestation
They're probably the reason why this tank have 0 algae
03:24 | Leaf litter: Catappa/Indian almond leaf
04:20 | Invasion by an (unpleasant) life around the house
05:04 | Jumping Spider!! A (pleasant) guest!!
05:52 | Shrimps having a feast!
06:27 | A MORE exciting molt!!!
07:03 | Close up of a Berried Shrimp!!!

If you want to see the video I scrapped:
   • Naming My Bamboo Shrimps... And My Ch...  

#aquascape #aquascaping #aquarium #shrimp #shrimpkeeping #caridina #plantedtank #plantedaquarium #lowtechtank #lowtech #aquasoil #algae #tigershrimp


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