Rabbids Invasion - The Curse of Rabbidkhamun

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Описание к видео Rabbids Invasion - The Curse of Rabbidkhamun

After losing the keys to their rocket somewhere in the Vacant Lot, the rabbids undertake an archeological dig to try and locate them. Instead, they unearth a strange, rabbid-shaped, Egyptian sarcophagus... Bwoh...? Ignoring the hieroglyphics that threaten grave robbers with the most severe repercussions imaginable, they open the sarcophagus and discover RabbidKhamun: a strange mummified rabbid who’s been snoozing for 3,000 years...! While initially won over by this wrapped-up rabbid who tries to convince them to build a pyramid, RabbidKhamun’s charm soon wears thin when the rabbids realize that, one-by-one, they are falling victim to a particularly rabbid form of bad luck... Convinced that it must be “THE CURSE OF RABBIDKHAMUN”, one rabbid is willing to go the most rabid lengths to lure the mummy back into his sarcophagus...


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