Panalyt | What is Organizational Network Analysis?

Описание к видео Panalyt | What is Organizational Network Analysis?

This is an excerpt from Panalyt's joint webinar with PeopleOPTI, "Practical Business Applications of Organizational Network Analysis / ONA/ Relational Analytics. Read the full recap at

Organizational Network Analysis is a highly structured method of visualizing and analyzing how an organization communicates and collaborates, allowing you to understand the information and decision flow within an organization.

Business leaders and HR / Change Management practitioners have historically found it difficult to objectively measure how effectively employees are communicating within a firm, or with external stakeholders. Though organizations spend huge sums of money on “agile transformations”, “breaking silos”, “becoming more responsive” etc., we tend to rely on subjective surveys to understand the impact of these initiatives.

ONA provides a practical and extremely efficient way to understand how different stakeholders – individuals and teams – in an organization communicate with each other, going beyond the traditional organization chart to understand how an organization actually communicates and collaborates to get work done.

Relational Analytics takes ONA one step further by measuring the strength of relationships ( as compared to just the number of emails) between individuals by analyzing various communication efficiency metrics such as volume and frequency of messages, average response time, non-response %, etc.

In our experience, we’ve found that Relational Analytics can help even small organizations gain a tremendous amount of value from understanding how people are integrating into a company and their relationships. There’s usually a tipping point for organizations beyond 70 people where suddenly not everyone knows each other and it’s difficult for the C-Suite / HR leadership to have their finger on the pulse of every relationship in the same way they did before.

From optimizing the onboarding experience for new hires (or lateral / upward moves), to identifying silos and cliques within organizations, to understanding which employees / teams are at risk of disengagement and attrition, uncovering and understanding the hidden social network that drives an organization can allow you to manage your people more effectively.

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