Nike Air Monarch Squeak Fix

Описание к видео Nike Air Monarch Squeak Fix

Like a lot of people who bought these shoes, I was disappointed to find that after a week of use they began to squeak. Badly. I haven't been able to wear them (I work in a quiet office) and I don't have the money to buy new shoes so today I decided I had to fix them or ditch them. Luckily, it seems to be an easy fix. I made this video in case anyone wanted to try it.

My results: They don't squeak anymore but I can feel the texture of the rubber air cushions under my right foot. Its kind of weird but not too bad. I think a regular shoe insert might clear it up if I get tired of it.

Please leave a comment if this video has helped you or if you have a way to improve on this anti-squeak technique.

Altering your shoes in this way might cause injury. Do this at your own risk.


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