8 await async mistakes that you SHOULD avoid in .NET

Описание к видео 8 await async mistakes that you SHOULD avoid in .NET

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Hello everybody I'm Nick and in this video I wanna talk real world mistakes that you might encounter regarding await async. It's an interesting topic that many people tend to get wrong and this comes down to how Microsoft handled the original rollout of the feature. In this video I will go through 8 real world scenarios of how it can be done wrong and talk about how we can fix them.

0:00 - Intoduction
1:19 - Once async always async
2:46 - Async void is BAD
6:05 - Prefer Task.FromResult over Task.Run
8:00 - Avoid .Result and .Wait
9:37 - Prefer await over ContinueWith
11:19 - Always pass the CancellationToken
15:16 - Prefer async Task over Task
17:11 - Don't sync over async in constructors

Raw coding video:    • C# Async/Await/Task Explained (Deep D...  
David Fowler's page: https://github.com/davidfowl/AspNetCo...
ValueTask: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet...

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#dotnet #await #async


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