WEBINAR: Reducing risks of postoperative pulmonary complications

Описание к видео WEBINAR: Reducing risks of postoperative pulmonary complications

Listen to this insightful presentation by two leading experts in the field of anesthesia and respiratory care, Dr. Marco Luchetti and Dr. Marc Wysocki. They will discuss how to implement lung protective ventilation (LPV) that can help reduce the risk of postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs) to improve patient perioperative outcomes. A special focus will be given to using clinical information systems to support perioperative lung protection. Other topics include the impact of PPCs on perioperative outcomes; the importance of quantitative neuromuscular transmission (NMT) monitoring; using lung protective ventilation (LPV) to preserve lung function and avoid injury; a review of LPV Forum guidelines; and suggested anesthesia machine settings for lung protection strategies.
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