Alex Schulz - Keep On Reaching

Описание к видео Alex Schulz - Keep On Reaching

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When The Bearded Man was just a little girl, he always dreamed of someday going to space. He (the little girl), would look up into space with eyes full of hope and wonderment. He (she) even built a ham radio with his (her) dad. The Bearded Girl wondered if she built a radio big enough, could she reach mommy in heaven? Of course Dad wouldn’t rain on the little one’s dreams. Many years later, after the father passed away, The Bearded Man (played by Jodie Foster) was gearing up to be the first to ride in a machine that was sent to Earth via an alien broadcast. In her mind, she travelled through a wormhole all the way to a distant planet. However, the security footage showed nothing of the kind. The little pod passed straight through the device. The story was so bizarre that it eventually became the book/movie “Contact", but of course, in real life, they just locked The Bearded Jodie up in a cell and said she was crazy. To this day, through the bars of his cell, The Bearded Jodie Foster keeps on reaching for the sky. Someday… Someday...


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