Biggest Truck 1970s Pacific P16 150 Ton Logging Truck

Описание к видео Biggest Truck 1970s Pacific P16 150 Ton Logging Truck

Pacific Truck & Trailer Limited is a heavy truck manufacturer based in Vancouver, Canada, renowned for their durability. Pacific builds off-road and off-road trucks, primarily for the lumber, heavy haulage, and fire truck industries.

This 1970s Pacific P16 Off Road Truck is a frame restoration with many modifications. This truck is one of two Pacific trucks built specifically for a logging company on Vancouver Island capable of carrying 150 tonnes.

Equipped with Caterpillar C15 Diesel Engine with 550 HP. here it comes Heavy Truck Pacifc P16 150 Ton Truck ultimate power hauling machine, For heavy duty construction to mining applications this is a rare beast.
#loggingtruck #heavytruck #pacificp16truck


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