慢煮叉燒皇(真黯然銷魂飯)- Sous Vide Supreme Char Siu (Sadly Ecstacy Rice) with Anova

Описание к видео 慢煮叉燒皇(真黯然銷魂飯)- Sous Vide Supreme Char Siu (Sadly Ecstacy Rice) with Anova

2020年度 新增咗一個神級程度嘅叉燒做法,請到以下連結:
   • 【金牌叉燒】神作!超美味!從未公開的秘方 ?乜嘢豬最好食?點先叫靚?可能暫...  

就當我囂張, 又或者見識少. 相信呢個叉燒嘅味道同層次足以令我唔想食出面所謂嘅叉燒, 今次呢個版本係我認為應該要將佢公開, 又或者係一味招呼朋友嘅屋企招牌菜. 實在太好食. 多汁, 淋身得來有咬口, 叉燒味又足嘅真正叉燒皇. 順便教埋煎蛋:P

大家準備好做峨嵋派嘅弟子未? 食完黯然銷魂飯, 就好學黯然銷魂掌喇!

梅頭(第一刀) 1件
芫茜 2束
蒜頭 5粒
紅葱頭 1個
南乳 1件
雞蛋 1隻
磨豉醬 2湯匙
叉燒醬 2湯匙
海鮮醬 2湯匙
生抽 2湯匙
老抽 1茶匙
味淋 1湯匙
鹽 1茶匙
砂糖 2茶匙

玫瑰露 1湯匙
蘇木 1/4兩
麥芽糖 2-3湯匙

食譜參考咗3個食譜,當中有2位知名人士包刮杜汶澤先生,及李家鼎先生, 再根據個人口味輕微加改,並使用低溫烹調取代直接放入焗爐的方法。

This recipe reference to 3 owners, 2 of them are popular celebrities who are Mr. Chapman To, and Mr. Steve Li, I've slightly re-adjust the amount of the ingredients and remake this Char Siu in a sous vide way which is miles better than directly done in the oven.

Pork Shoulder (the first cut is preferred) 1 piece

Corriander 2 stalks
Garlic 5 cloves
Shallot 1 pc
Fermented red beancurd 1 piece
Egg 1pc
Ground black beans sauce 2 tablespoons
BBQ sauce 2 tablespoons
Seafood sauce 2 tablespoons
Soy sauce 2 tablespoons
Dark soy sauce 1 teaspoon
Mirin 1 tbsp (or sugar 1tsp)
Salt 1 teaspoon
Sugar 2 teaspoons

Rose Rice Wine 1 tbsp
Caesalpinia sappan 10g
Maltose Sugar 2-3 tbsp


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