iPhone 14 Pro ProRAW 48 MP vs 12 MP Comparison

Описание к видео iPhone 14 Pro ProRAW 48 MP vs 12 MP Comparison

Hey Folks, this is the iPhone 14 Pro ProRAW 48 Megapixels vs 12 Megapixels comparison. Many of you wanted to see how the new 48 MegaPixels sensor stands up against the 12 MegaPixels mode of the iPhone 14 Pro. In this video, I have attached many photo samples demonstrating the difference between the 48 Megapixels and 12 Megapixels modes. If you are interested in seeing this, watch this video until the end to learn all about the iPhone 14 Pro's camera. Make sure to subscribe as well. Thank you all.

#iphone14pro #proraw #48megapixels


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