Guyton chapter 28 part 2 of 4

Описание к видео Guyton chapter 28 part 2 of 4

0:00 Passive Water Reabsorption by Osmosis
0:12 Water Reabsorption in Proximal Tubules
2:53 Solvent drag
3:15 Water Reabsorption in Loop of Henle & Distal Tubules
4:34 Reabsorption of Chloride Ions, Creatinine & Urea
10:03 Reabsorption & Secretion along different parts of nephron
11:28 Proximal Tubules Reabsorption
15:38 Secretion by Proximal Tubules
17:14 Solute & Water Reabsorption in Loop of Henle
21:59 Distal Tubules
23:44 Late Distal Tubules & Collecting Ducts
24:37 Role of Principle Cells
26:31 Intercalated Cells of Type A & B
30:24 Medullary Collecting Ducts
31:19 Summary of Concentration of Different Solutes in Different Tubular Segment


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