Side effects of (Naswar) snuff and social problems

Описание к видео Side effects of (Naswar) snuff and social problems

History of Naswar
By the way, snuff (Naswar) are used all over the world, but if we talk about Pakistan, it is used all over the country but is used more by Pukhtoons, some people think that snuff must have been invented by Pathans. If you are thinking so, then you are completely wrong. Let's start with when and where snuff started
Naswar was introduced into Western Europe by a Spanish monk named Ramon Pane after Columbus' second voyage to the Americas during 1493-1496. In 1561, Jean Nicot, the French ambassador in Lisbon, Portugal, sent naswar to Catherine de' Medici to treat her son's persistent migraine.
But nowadays tobacco snuff consumed mostly in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan as a fun for producing a slight burning sensation on the inner lip and tongue.


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