Sister of the Thorn - Very Powerful VENOM Build - Vermintide 2

Описание к видео Sister of the Thorn - Very Powerful VENOM Build - Vermintide 2

DIFFICULTY: Cataclysm + Deed (Vanguard+horde)
Use Venom combined with her Deepwood Staff to poisen entire hordes of enemies in seconds, dishing out very high damage!

Use her wall tacticly to not blockade but to Funnel hordes trough small areas to destroy them with your staff in only 2 or 3 shots.

A big component of this build is the Deepwood staff trait "heat sink" (critical hits refund overcharge).

Use this combined with the talent "Lingerin Blackvenom" (critical strikes apply blackvenom near the target) and "Briars Malice" (Ulting gives 2 crits) to instantly poisen & kill large groups of enemies for no charge cost.

Check out the build details in this easy overview here:

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Song: Vermintide OST: Karak Azgaraz

#vermintide2 #gameplay #compilation #cataclysm #Sisterofthethorn #kerillian


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