TENET || Gate Scene || 3D Breakdown with Theory

Описание к видео TENET || Gate Scene || 3D Breakdown with Theory

3D visualization of the gate scene in Tenet.

Theory about the collapsed tunnel included.

little boo boo:
Neil doesn't knock the gun out of the thug's hand. TP actually shoots him but runs out of ammo. then Ives gets up and reloads it.

The only official statement we have is from the actual script:

Volkov PULLS HIS TRIGGER – but the Dead Tenet Soldier has
‘RISEN’ to be in front of the gun ‘ABSORBING’ the bullet –
then LEAPING to one side, ALIVE –

So he uses the word 'absorbing' here. Which means, from Neil's perspective it would un-absorb, or materialize, moments before being ripped from his head back to Volkov's gun.


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