Sleep as Sustenance | Lele Xiao | TEDxOldSconaAcademic

Описание к видео Sleep as Sustenance | Lele Xiao | TEDxOldSconaAcademic

Lele is a bilingual nursing student at the University of Alberta. She is passionate about science, teaching, sustainability and sleep! Through research and physiology, she hopes to highlight the effects of sleep and especially as an aspiring healthcare professional, address the role of sleep in our daily lives and in the long term management of our health. Lele is a bilingual nursing student at the University of Alberta. She is passionate about science, teaching, sustainability and sleep! Through research and physiology, she hopes to highlight the effects of sleep and especially as an aspiring healthcare professional, address the role of sleep in our daily lives and in the long term management of our health. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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