My New Dream Kitchen Tour 参观我的新厨房 澳洲厨房

Описание к видео My New Dream Kitchen Tour 参观我的新厨房 澳洲厨房

我的新厨房来啦。 澳洲的开放式厨房和马来西亚厨房有什么不一样呢? 不懂你们喜欢这个厨房吗? 旧的厨房最大的问题就是收纳空间不多,还有工作台面太小,经常搞到我很 "显”。这次的厨房设计完全解决了之前所有的问题。太开心了。

My new kitchen finally is here. Is there a big difference between my Aussie kitchen and your kitchen? Do you like my new kitchen? The biggest problem that I have with my old kitchen are the limited storage space and small working bench. With this new design, all the problem solved!!


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