Smart Item Picking robot | From KNOW-HOW to WOW Podcast

Описание к видео Smart Item Picking robot | From KNOW-HOW to WOW Podcast

Have you ever tried your luck at a funfair claw machine? Did the gripping claw appear to be hard to maneuver and imprecise, making it tough to win? Find out what it takes to design a claw machine that always works in the latest episode of our "From KNOW-HOW to WOW" podcast.

Our hosts speak with Christoph Marx, a Bosch robot engineer, who developed the Smart Item Picking robot system for warehouses. His goal was to create a system that combined hardware, visual sensors, and software algorithms to manage millions of distinct pieces with varying forms, sizes, weights, and other unknown factors. Christoph discusses how he and his colleagues came up with the solution using artificial intelligence and a 3D scanner. 💻🦾

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