Best transformation of a homeless dog will put a smile on your face 😊

Описание к видео Best transformation of a homeless dog will put a smile on your face 😊

Nile was abandoned, and he didn't trust anyone! Loreta and I followed him for hours, but he was very smart and wouldn't let us get close enough. Luckily, Nana Porter knew to call Hope For Paws, and she even brought snacks for Loreta and me - she knew this was going to be a long day for us.

After many hours, Nile disappeared, and we couldn't find him anymore. We were told he sneaks into one particular yard every day where he felt safe, so we asked the homeowner Nicci to assist us and lock him in, and seal every possible escape route. With help from her husband, the mission was accomplished, and they called us to drive all the way back.

Nile is a smart guy, and he realized this was pretty much over for him... he was trapped, but he was not giving up without a fight.

Someone asked me a few weeks ago: "Why do you stress these animals out with a bath right after the rescues instead of letting them decompress?".

In my experience, having a bath, feeling clean for the first time in a long time, having that nice positive contact with us really helps them. A hug, a bath, and a little sense of humor there can go a long way and watching until the end will prove it 😊

We couldn't have done this work without you! As I am writing these lines, I have a kitten on my lap that took Loreta and me 22 hours to capture!!! I inhaled so many gross gasses in this sewer, and it was so worth it!

Please join us today as a member with a small recurring donation here and I will send you our Lucky Leash for FREE as a small thank you:

After the rescue was completed, our friend Laura at Smooch Pooch Dog Rescue offered to foster him, and if you would like to apply to adopt him or any of their other cute dogs, please visit:

Thank you so much!!!


p.s. there are only 440 Hope For Paws blankets left for purchase: - Every purchase grants you a FREE Lucky Leash ❤️


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