Mud Brick Furnace

Описание к видео Mud Brick Furnace

A few notes.

1. As you can see, the first furnace was a bad design 11:55. The inflow of air was directing the heat OUT of the furnace.
The opening to the chamber would have been better off to the left or right of the furnace as the bricks became too friggin hot to move, not fun.
The chimney was a bit pointless really, still got smoke in me face. And lastly, I had only realized later on that I was trying to melt steel! That was never going to work.

Overall rating: F (Fail)

2. I call this one the circular brikey thing or forge (similar to Primitive Technology´s forge) 20:29. Again, I was having trouble with heating.
The lid turned out to be useless (it would suffocate the fire). Why the four bellows you ask? And I would tell you, why not the four bellows?
Just a bit of silliness really, you got to have fun man! I had truly underestimated the amount of time, energy and resources needed to heat the
Crucible this way, It was about 20 minutes of constant bellow pumping before I gave up ( I give credit to Primitive Technology, this shits hard work).
Although with that being said, it might be useful to forge swords n shit.

Overall rating: C

3. Well, you know I did not expect this to work, just ignorance really 27:25. The kiln does what it does best, heats shit up. The real MVP.

Overall rating: B+ (I am not giving it an A because it is not exactly user friendly, burnt a couple of hair on my arm)

Overall learning experience: A+

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