The Northern Sea Route

Описание к видео The Northern Sea Route

Why was it so important to find the Northern Sea Route?
To get from Europe to the Far East faster.
The Pomors on boats called Kochas used to reach the Gulf of Ob.
The Dutch tried to find their way through the North Sea to China.
While exploring Siberia, Russian pioneers and researchers proved that the Pacific Ocean can be reached by sea.
The countries came together to explore the Northern Sea Route.
The first successful expeditions were made by the Swedes and Norwegians.
According to the project of Vice Admiral Makarov and Mendeleev, the first icebreaker "Ermak" was built.
The Russian expedition for the first time passed the North Sea Way from the east to the west with wintering on Taimyr.

Later, Otto Schmidt managed to travel the route in one navigation season.
Northern Sea Route is the national transport artery of Russia. Is is the main “road” for the "Severny Zavoz" or Nothern Supply Haul to the Arctic, which is used to transport petroleum products, coal, liquefied gas to the northern parts of Russia.
Today Russia is the only country that has the nuclear icebreaker fleet. It allows year-round navigation in the Arctic.

The North Sea Route is the national transport artery of Russia. It is followed by the "Severny Zavoz" or Nothern Supply Haul to the Arctic, transportation of petroleum products, coal, liquefied gas.

(c) The International Organization of Families "Big Family"

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