why SLEEPING DOGS is bruce lee's favorite game | Sleeping Dogs review

Описание к видео why SLEEPING DOGS is bruce lee's favorite game | Sleeping Dogs review

I am now a whole man.

In this sleeping dogs review we will discuss how this game is undeniably bruce lee's favorite martial arts game before devulging into my schizo ranting about pork buns.

Sleeping dogs is one of the best crime sandbox games on the market taking from many other games like Yakuza, Max Payne, Saints Row, GTA, Assassin's Creed Black Flag and Batman Arkham Asylum but then combing them into one unique hybrid package. It's truly a masterpiece.

A very broken masterpiece, but my point stands. I can't quite call it the most underrated game as many other has though because I've seen a collective 10 million views on a bucket full of videos already dubbing it that so I believe it's moving nicely into the properly rated category.

So anyways, enjoy this sleeping dogs retrospective and I hope this video makes you feel very bing chilling.

FLEEKAZOID Twitter:   / fleekazoid  

What you have just watched is one of our game reviews where we breakdown some of our favorite games review them in an action pack review. Our style is inspired by people we love watching like ssethtzeentach, mandaloregaming, videogamedunkey, and martincitopants, but of course we add our own touch and a metric ton of memes.


00:00 - Intro
00:10 - why The Dogs is bruce lee's favorite
02:11 - Jankery
02:53 - Story
04:06 - The Popo
05:15 - The Triads
06:05 - The Grind
06:45 - Combat
08:15 - The Drip, The Fit and The Swag
08:55 - The Art of the Strap
09:46 - A little bit of CF
10:30 - Kareoke
11:30 - You don't have a choice

#sleepingdogs #yakuza


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