[Animation Meme] RPG - Collab w/ Rexumii

Описание к видео [Animation Meme] RPG - Collab w/ Rexumii

So, I've always wanted to make animation meme's, but they're really time consuming w so are MMD's haha, I don't have enough time to make anything these days. Sorry for being so inactive!

I collabed with my younger sister, WheatBixx! (Pls check out her other stuff it's very nice):    / @beaniebeansoup  

Original Meme by Rossali! Also check that out:    • rpg original meme collab  

For the second half of the video, I followed the format from the original MV:    • [MV]ロールプレイングゲーム/そらまふうらさか【オリジナル曲】  


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