Is it Possible to Upload an Impossible Level in Super Mario Maker?

Описание к видео Is it Possible to Upload an Impossible Level in Super Mario Maker?

For years, I've been trying to upload an impossible level in Super Mario Maker. But no matter what I tried, uploading an impossible level, was seemingly impossible in Super Mario Maker. Until recently, because recently I learned about a couple of really interesting glitches and tricks in Super Mario Maker, that could be useful when trying to do the impossible. In this video we are going to recreate my journey to create a completely impossible Super Mario Maker level. We will take a look at a couple of different things, I and other people tried over the years to trick nintendo's system, and in the end we will finally find out, if it is possible to upload a stage in Super Mario Maker that is truly impossible to beat.

The impossible from Checkpoint video by ReflectivistFox
   • The Impossible Level  

The Impossible Weird Mushroom Level video by Smash Boss
   • A truly impossible level!!! - Super M...  


-------------------Credits for the Music-------------------------
   / holfix  
HolFix - Beyond The Kingdom
   • [Free Music] HolFix - Beyond the Kingdom  

------Kevin MacLeod
"Adventure Meme", “Amazing Plan”, “March of the Spoons”, “The Builder”, “Snowdrop”
Kevin MacLeod
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0


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