Return to In-Person Learning: Meals Guidelines for Secondary Students

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SPS middle and high school students are returning to in-person learning, which also means returning to the school breakfasts and lunches they know and love. And thanks to the USDA’s extended program, all school meals are free for the rest of the school year.

We want you to know what to expect when getting food at school with COVID safety rules.

Each school cafeteria looks a little different, and high schools may have additional menu items you won’t find at middle schools. More choices will be added throughout the remainder of the year.

You can find more school meal resources – like menus and food allergy forms – at the website on your screen.

Grab and Go Breakfast

A free grab and go breakfast is available for all students as you come into the building at your assigned school entrance.

Each breakfast bag has a breakfast bar, juice, and the option of a milk. After we get through the first few weeks of in-person learning, we’ll offer a wider variety of breakfast items including bagels, muffins, and yogurt.

You’ll take your breakfast to your first class of the day and eat it there. Masks are required to be worn while you’re in school. But when eating breakfast, you can take your mask down to take a bite. Just put your mask back up while you chew.

Toss your food waste in the designated garbage cans to help keep our classrooms clean.


Lunch will be served in the cafeteria. High schools will have three serving lines and middle schools will have two lines that all offer the same choices, so it doesn’t matter what line you get into. As you move through the lunch line, remember to maintain 6 feet of social distance at all times.

We’ll celebrate the first few weeks of in-person learning with some of our more popular lunch items. After that, we’ll add more choices to give you more variety.

Everything you need for your lunch will be packaged together – entrée, fruits, veggies, condiments, and utensils – for an easy grab-n-go. Once you grab the meal you want, pick from one of the milk options, which include Chocolate, 1%, Lactose Free, and Soy milk. Remember, all this food is free!

At the end of the line, school staff will have a meal count tick sheet as they confirm each student received a complete meal. No need to enter your student ID number. You’ll then follow directions to your assigned seating, which could be in the cafeteria or another location. School staff will be there to help you out.

Grab and Go Meal Bags

What happens if you’re on a hybrid schedule? What will you eat on the days your distance learning? There’s a grab-n-go meal bag for that!

At most schools, these grab and go meal bags will be handed out at the end of the day as you leave school and in-person learning. Each school will have several grab and go meal service locations.
These meal bags include breakfast items like cereal, muffins, bagels, breakfast bars, and fruit, as well as lunches that include an entrée, fruit, whole grains and the option of milk.

You guessed it…these are free as well!

On the days your hybrid group will not be in school on Friday, you’ll get a DOUBLE meal bag with 2 breakfasts and 2 lunches on Wednesdays if you’re in Group A, and Thursdays if you’re in Group B.

Students with life threatening allergies or intolerances who have paperwork turned into the school nurse can get a meal substitution if needed. Make sure you’ve met with your Nutrition Service kitchen manager and nurse and shared if you will be eating school meals. Our team is here to help support you and ensure you have safe a delicious food to enjoy.

Remember, school meals are free to all students through June 30. Children 18 and under who are not in school – like Spokane Virtual Academy students, homeschool students, or preschoolers - are eligible for the 5-day meal kit served at our middle and high schools Monday afternoons. Check out the 5-day meal kit information on our web page at Visit for even more information.

Thanks for watching, and enjoy your school meals!


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