ARMOR WARS Trailer #1 HD | Disney+ Concept | Don Cheadle, Gwyneth Paltrow, Katherine Langford

Описание к видео ARMOR WARS Trailer #1 HD | Disney+ Concept | Don Cheadle, Gwyneth Paltrow, Katherine Langford

This is a FAN MADE trailer.

Music from
Fly_Productions - Warrior's Revenge (Copyright Free Music)
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DASAINTZ - Apotheosis Of War (Copyright Free Music)
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Armor Wars is an upcoming Disney+ tv series that is set to take place following the events of Avengers: Endgame. It is based on the comic series of the same name, so we can expect it to be similar in plot. The Armor Wars storyline is all about stolen Stark technology. Justin Hammer, who was last seen in Iron Man 2 (played by Sam Rockwell), gets a hold of Stark's armor technology and Tony realises that a number of armoured villains have been upgraded with it. This arc would fit well into the MCU as, following the death of Tony, it is plausible that Hammer would return and continue where he left off in Iron Man 2.

Avengers: Endgame saw the introduction of Morgan Stark. Katherine Langford was originally cast as the older version of Morgan, however the scene was later cut from the film. This trailer imagines Morgan as all-grown up, trying to navigate her father's legacy as Pepper continues to run Stark Industries. With Justin Hammer utilising stolen Stark Technology in the police and the military, it is up to Morgan to out-design him. With a new suit and Rhodey and Pepper by her side, Morgan attempts to step into her father's role as the Iron Avenger and regain the stolen technology.

Do you think Morgan will return in Armor Wars?


- This channel produces CONCEPT trailers -
Videos are not intended to trick or confuse, they are produced using multiple existing trailers and film to create something new and exciting. Characters or movies that are unreleased or set to release can be brought to life on this channel!


Copyright Disclaimer: This video is protected under fair use. It uses brief clippings of existing media to communicate a new concept/idea that fans are able to consume as either celebratory or theoretical commentary on how a film/cinematic universe could look. This is often intended as parody and/or social critique on the typical male hero-trope either by providing light on female heroism in its place or by mimicking action trailer themes. It draws upon existing art to suggest new ventures and/or propose changes to current products.

#ArmorWars #IronMan #MCU


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