Taking Selfies With My Huskies!! [MALE v Female v Baby!] [EPIC FAIL]

Описание к видео Taking Selfies With My Huskies!! [MALE v Female v Baby!] [EPIC FAIL]

Sooooo hello everyone!! If you didn’t already know millie is the selfie queen. She can produce some amazing cute and funny selfies. Well not literally herself because she cannot hold a camera but her being in the pictures hahaha! Rupert is also the same and from pictures it looks so cute but trying to actually take them is another situation hahaha! I think it’s so funny the way we try and get selfies with our dogs. I have noticed everyone does it in different ways! How do you take selfies with your dogs ? Also we have took some screenshots of our favourite selfies we managed to get out the videos!! I hope they all make you smile and you all have a lovely day! Comment below your favourite pic!! Love you all!


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