SKULL 2 - Process and Problems | Documentary Episode 1

Описание к видео SKULL 2 - Process and Problems | Documentary Episode 1

SKULL 2 - Process and Problems | Documentary Episode 1

Directed: Juvie
Shot: Juvie, Youngz, Mesa, Daniel Omens
Scoring: Juvie

ចំណុចចាប់ផ្គើមនៃ SKULL 2 រដូវកាលទី១ វគ្គទី១ «ដំណើរការ និងបញ្ហា»

សកម្មភាពពីក្រោយការផលិតអាល់ប៊ុមទី ២ ការបោះជម្រុំតន្ត្រីជុំគ្នារយៈពេល១៤ថ្ងៃហើយនិងមានរឿងរ៉ាវជាច្រើនទៀតនៅក្នុង Documentary នេះដើម្បីចែករំលែកជាមួយគ្នា!
This is the beginning of SKULL 2 Season 1 «Process and Problems»

Behind the scene of making my 2nd album. Album camp with the crew for 14 days and we've got more to share with y'all in up coming documentary series!

Brought to you by Hanuman Beverages

Special thanks to La Conciergerie for the wonderful Villa

#VANNDA #SKULL2 #SEASON1 #DocumentaryEP1

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