Top 5 Dragons on House of the Dragon || Dance of the Dragons

Описание к видео Top 5 Dragons on House of the Dragon || Dance of the Dragons

Today we countdown the top 5 Dragons I'm looking forward to seeing when House of the Dragon airs. Let me know what your top 5 Dragons are & don't forget to Subscribe & hit that bell for notifications for all of the upcoming HOTD content & weekly discussion & review livestreams.
#houseofthedragon #fireandblood #gameofthrones #asoiaf #GeorgeRRMartin #HBOMax #IronThrone #Dragons #asongoficeandfire #Balerion #caraxes #WindsOfWinter #DaemonTargaryen #Vhagar #Sunfyre #Meleys #danceofthedragons #HOTD #therogueprince #TheRedQueen #Top5

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