Mk14 Farming with HollywoodBob and Boom - PUBG Erangel Squads Gameplay

Описание к видео Mk14 Farming with HollywoodBob and Boom - PUBG Erangel Squads Gameplay

A Game Summary in Poem Form

Stop hip-firing, choco - this isn't Apex
and stream snipers don't want you to look cool.
A bridge camp? In THIS economy?
Bob's enthusiasm is adorable, and
what's better than storytime with 'ol Silver Tongue?
choco skamooooooshes a guy, and
flushing is only nice on the john.
won't mourn you, but respect
for using the Bizon, my guy.
Oh, someone has a BIG gun,
You can headshot Boom, but choco's
got a big gun too. Run.

- Beth

See choco stream LIVE at   / chocotaco  
You can follow his Twitter here:   / chocotaco  
Catch HollywoodBob's stream at   / hollywoodboblive  
Watch Boom stream at   / boom  

Music: "DuDa" by Ian Post, from

Keywords: PUBG gameplay, chocoTaco, #chocoTaco #PUBG #HollywoodBobLIVE Erangel, PUBG Squads, Mk14, crate weapon, air drop, level 3 gear, molotov, AK, Mosin


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