Dungeon World is what you WANT D&D to be

Описание к видео Dungeon World is what you WANT D&D to be

For the longest time I was stumped.
I enjoyed playing D&D 5e with my friends. Like everyone else, it's where I got my start. I enjoyed the exploration aspect, the social RP aspect, and it was a great excuse to get together with good people and tell stories.

But I always felt there was something missing.

It wasn't until I discovered Dungeon World and the Powered by the Apocalypse system that I realized what WAS missing. Or rather, what there was too much of.

Too much of Fifth Edition gets bogged down in minutiae that's both frustratingly crunchy (who wants to remember all of those rules?) and yet incredibly vague.

Dungeon World and other PbtA games encourage the exploration and role playing side of things while mechanically rewarding you. And they don't get bogged down in a bunch of crunchy, immersion breaking, baloney.

Ultimately, it's what I wanted D&D to be



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