Vermintide 2 - mourning and last hero standing dialogue

Описание к видео Vermintide 2 - mourning and last hero standing dialogue

A compilation of dialogue that plays when characters die or remain the last characters alive.


0:00 Bardin's mourning lines
1:04 Bardin's last hero standing lines

1:44 Kruber's mourning lines
2:24 Kruber's last hero standing lines

3:05 Kerillian's """mourning""" lines
3:54 Kerillian's last hero standing lines

4:39 Saltzpyre's mourning lines
5:31 Saltzpyre has no last hero standing voice lines

5:42 Sienna's mourning lines
6:19 Sienna's last hero standing lines

Music used:
Various Vermintide 2 ambience (tough to tell which ones they are as they're from the game files)
Vermintide: End Times - Waylaid

XYZ Fanimated for all animations non-Vermintide related -    • XYZ Fanimated  

Vermintide Fanimated playlist:    • Vermintide Fanimated  

Darktide asset ripping guide (unlisted and work in progress):

Wanna learn how to asset rip characters, textures and audio from Vermintide 2, too? I wrote down my workflow in this Steam guide (also includes a link to the audio file rip from 2023):


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