Loud Trumpets as the Elephants Return Home to Phabeni at the Orphanage!

Описание к видео Loud Trumpets as the Elephants Return Home to Phabeni at the Orphanage!

Following Phabeni's recent drip from Dr Rogers - https://herd.org.za/blog/baby-elephan... - the herd returned back to the homestead next door to the orphanage and came running as they realised little Phabeni was there. They obviously did not know why the bull had left them early that day, as this was a change to their routine. They certainly appeared very excited to see him across the fence as they approached. Phabeni's surrogate mother Setombe and her daughter Klaserie were the first to the fence, coming in fast, with Timisa and Khanyisa close by, followed by Limpopo and her mother Tokwe.

The herd helped drop Phabeni off at the orphanage earlier in the day, with Setombe walking the bull to the door, so that he could be seen by Dr Rogers and given a necessary drip. Since Phabeni had been drinking fewer milk bottles, either not finishing the full bottle or refusing to drink, we had to find other ways to get nutrition and energy into him. The drip helped immensely and the bull took his bottles that evening.

We are doing our best to not disrupt the routine of the elephants, and when Phabeni doesn't need to attend to vet visits, we ensure he stays out with the herd during the day. This prevents extra stress for him and the herd, as they are very used to their daily habit of sunrise walks in the wilderness together, and spending all day out foraging, swimming, bonding, playing, mud bathing, and walking, until the sun sets.

After his bottle, Phabeni enjoyed an evening wind-down with his sheep friends, Lammie and Spotty, and his carer Stavros and Adine, before heading to bed for a much needed and well deserved rest.


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