Time Lapse of Ladybug Life Cycle (6 million views)

Описание к видео Time Lapse of Ladybug Life Cycle (6 million views)

Featured on The Dodo!

Your parents never warned you about ladybugs. Here's the uncensored truth, with crazy banjo music, in extreme close up HD time lapse video. It's the stuff of nightmares, but thanks so much for subscribing!

When #ladybug eggs hatch, the larvae that come out look nothing like adult ladybugs. I think they look like little alligators, but lots of people commenting think the ladybug larvae look like "facehuggers" from the Alien movies. The larvae feed voraciously on #aphids and other garden pests before they form pupas, which you can watch here. People are surprised to learn that there's cannibalism in the world of #ladybugs. The ladybug in this video is an Asian ladybug, one of 5000 species of ladybug/ladybird/lady beetle. There’s a ton of variation of color and spots, which can take days to be fully revealed.

#lifecycle #timelapse



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