Hiding in Plain Sight: Girls in STEM | Ajla Gasal | TEDxArendal

Описание к видео Hiding in Plain Sight: Girls in STEM | Ajla Gasal | TEDxArendal

In today’s world, only 30% of the world’s researchers are woman. The fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) continue to be overwhelmingly male dominated despite initiatives and supposed 'helping hands' girls have been offered.

The easiest explanation proclaims that girls are uninterested and less inclined to pursue scientific discovery by nature.

Ajla Gasal is dedicated and fully devoted to bringing attention to the socialization and antagonizing stigma she feels we subject girls, and that that keeps STEM inaccessible. The uncomfortable truth we have to recognize is the cultural barrier and socialization patterns that discourages and eliminates female passion for STEM. Ajla Gasal is an enthusiastic student working to enter academia and the future of physics. She is in her second year of high school specialising in science. She aims to help girls find their voice in STEM. Through her schooling and extracurriculars, she is dedicated and fully devoted to bringing attention to the socialisation and antagonising stigma we subject girls to that keeps STEM inaccessible. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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