J.S. Bach, Sinfonia Easter Oratorio // Musica Gloria

Описание к видео J.S. Bach, Sinfonia Easter Oratorio // Musica Gloria

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Sinfonia from Easter Oratorio, BWV 249

Musica Gloria
Beniamino Paganini & Nele Vertommen

Julian Zimmerman, Olivier Mourault & Matt Gajda - trumpet
Jan Huylebroeck - timpani
Nele Vertommen & Dymphna Vandenabeele - oboe
José Rodrigues Gomes - bassoon
Elise Dupont, Maia Silberstein,
Joséphine Lanord-Prélonge & Madoka Nakamaru - violin
Lena Rademann & Hilla Heller - viola
Phyllis Bartholomeus - cello
Elise Christiaens - double bass
Beniamino Paganini - harpsichord
François Guerrier - organ

Joris Potvlieghe - organ builder & calcant

Rainer Arndt - audio recording
Matthijs van der Moolen - video recording
Nele Vertommen - sound montage
Beniamino Paganini - video montage

Sint-Catharinakerk, Wondelgem (B)
24th of April 2023

As the opening of Bach's masterpiece, the Sinfonia sets the stage for the grandeur and joy of the Easter Oratorio. With its majestic melodies, vibrant orchestration, and intricate counterpoint, it captures the essence of hope of Jesus’ resurrection. Musica Gloria brings out the lively strings, sprightly woodwinds and jubilant trumpets for a glorious musical celebration of Easter's triumphant psyche. In celebration of the guest of honour: a magnificent new Baroque organ built by Joris Potvlieghe (after H.A. Contius, Riga, 1763), that's being recorded for the first time, the ensemble went 'all the way': playing on the balcony, trumpets without finger holes, a calcant for the organ, standing cello playing, …


Met steun van Vlaanderen verbeelding werkt, Stad Leuven en Sonett


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