I Built 30 Automatic Farms In Hardcore Minecraft

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This has been a wild ride. 5 months of my work compressed to 35 minutes of a Minecraft Hardcore video that I hope you'll enjoy or you already did. (Depends on when you are reading this)

Let's be honest this is why most of you looked into the description, the farm list:

1. The iron farm:


2. The enderman farm:

   • Enderman XP Farm Minecraft 1.20.4 - B...  

I built it pretty much of the memory, but here is some random tutorial for what you have to do (I didn't use it)

3. Creeper farm:

   • Simple Hostile Mob Farms, Minecraft 1...  

I didn't use this video while building , but it's preatty cool, so if you are interested on how the original mob farm works here it is

I just build a normal mob farm and put trapdoors on the ceiling of platforms to spawn creepers and spiders

4. Witch farm:

   • 1.14.4+ Witch Farm (4300 items/h)  

5. Gold farm as I said was designed by me.

6.Pumpkin & Melon farm:

   • New Efficient Simple Melon/Pumpkin Fa...  

I did modified the designed a bit but that's pretty much it

7.Sugarcane and bamboo.

C'mon this design is so old that I don't even know who made it

8.Moss and bonemeal farm:

   • Minecraft Bone Meal Generator - 650+ ...  

9.Cactus farm.

I built it of memory

10.Wool farm:

I didn't use a tutorial for it, but here is what you basically need

   • Minecraft Sheep Wool Farm 1.20.2 - BE...  

11.Bee farms:

   • Get Started: 1.15 Honey Farm  
   • Minecraft Elegance: Next-Generation H...  

12.Wheat generator:

   • The EASIEST Nano Crop Farm for Minecr...  

13. Mud farm:

   • Auto MUD Generator Minecraft  | Compa...  

14. Mushroom farm:

   • Automatic Brown Mushroom Farm  

15. Slime farm:

   • Game Changing Slime Farm 1.18+  

16.Hoglin farm:

   • Easy Hoglin Food Farm Tutorial | Simp...  

17.Bartering farm:

   • Fast Piglin Bartering Farm Tutorial |...  

18.Blaze farm:

   • Minecraft Blaze Farm - 1000+ Rods Per...  

19.Wither skeleton farm:

   • Minecraft Elegance: Instant Wither Sk...  

20.lava farm:

   • Hermitcraft 8: Episode 20 - GIANT LAV...  

Yes, I built a farm just from watching a Hermitcraft episode

21. Villager breather.

   • Easy Infinite Villager Breeder Tutori...  

Again, I built it of memory, but here's a random tutorial

22.The 5 farms I built at the end of the episode were designed by me


The music was taken from couple of sources. I used soundtracks from games Undertale and Deltarune (By Toby Fox). I also used some minecraft music discs.

Music also provided by Kevin Macleod is Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License:

I used a bunch of music made by my friend JaFpl (It was used in timelapses)
His instagram: @jaf_art0


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