Learn GODOT 4 Compute Shaders with RAYTRACING!!

Описание к видео Learn GODOT 4 Compute Shaders with RAYTRACING!!

Source Code:

List of people in the video (in order of appearance):
also technically @Acerola_t ?

Intro Background from @Gamescapes :
   • Sunrise at the Temple Ruins | Great P...  

David Kuri Raytracing Articles:

Memory Qualifiers and Atomic Functions:

Scratchapixel Cow Mesh Raytracing:

Official Minimal Compute Example by Clay John:

Conway's Game of Life in Godot 4 with Compute Shaders:

Support me on Ko-Fi!

List of music in order:
Eve - Last Dance
Persona 3 - Iwatodai Dorm
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker - Dragon Roost Island Theme
Ace Attorney Investigations - Pursuit: Lying Coldly
Persona 5 - Life Goes On
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Korok Forest (Night)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Jingle
Persona 3 - During the Test
Eve - Dramaturgy
Persona 5 - Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There (Instrumental)
Outro Song is made by me

Kuri, D. (2018, May 3). GPU Ray Tracing in Unity – Part 1. Three Eyed Games. http://blog.three-eyed-games.com/2018...
Möller, T., & Trumbore, B. (1997). Fast, Minimum Storage Ray-Triangle Intersection. Program of Computer Graphics. https://fileadmin.cs.lth.se/cs/Person...
Scratchapixel. (2014, August 15). Ray-Tracing a Polygon Mesh (Ray-Tracing a Polygon Mesh (Part 2)). https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons...
Whitaker, R. B. (2009, January 21). Creating a Specular Lighting Shader. RB Whitaker’s Wiki. http://rbwhitaker.wikidot.com/specula...

0:00 Intro
1:06 Introduction to Compute Shaders
1:28 Regular Shaders vs Compute Shaders
1:55 Why even use a Compute Shader?
2:43 How do Compute Shaders work?
4:05 Creating a Compute Shader
4:22 Storage Buffers
5:29 The "main" function
6:08 Binding the Compute Shader in GDScript
7:36 Raytracing Theory
9:48 Anime OP
10:02 Improving the Raytracer
11:03 Implementation Caveats
12:07 Some other uses for Compute Shaders
12:15 Outro


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