Punch-Out!! ULTIMATE (PC) - All Special Circuit Bosses

Описание к видео Punch-Out!! ULTIMATE (PC) - All Special Circuit Bosses

Whoa! I thought I was done playing the Punch-Out!! series, but they pull me back in... Punch-Out!! The Master Edition includes every single Punch-Out!! opponent in the entire series, except Donkey Kong and Doc Louis from the Wii version. All put into the original engine. This thing is awesome. You can also choose from different version of Lil Mac, I chose the version that stacks stars like the Wii, and turns out it makes the game way harder lol. It has no real ending, and you can fight any opponent at any time. This, to me, is the definitive version of the classic.

Punch-Out!! The Master Engine
Special Circuit
All Bosses
All Fighters
All Stages
All KO
Narcis Prince
Hoy Quarlow
Super Macho Man
Mr. Sandman
Nick Bruiser
Rick Bruiser
Mr. Dream
Mike Tyson


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