Привлекательное преображение заброшенного дома - Очистите траву и подстригите заросшие деревья.

Описание к видео Привлекательное преображение заброшенного дома - Очистите траву и подстригите заросшие деревья.

Eye-catching transformation of abandoned house - Clear grass and cut overgrown trees. This house belongs to a single person who died due to old age. No one cared about the house so it was left abandoned and overgrown with grass and trees. We come to tidy up, cut grass, cut trees, clean houses in the hope of helping someone who is homeless have a place to stay. And also to clean this place to prevent mosquitoes, insects or snakes from entering the homes of people living around here. What do you think about our volunteer cleanup? If you find this work meaningful, please give me a LIKE to encourage us and please share this good thing with your friends. Thanks a lot!
#cleanup #lawn #overgrown #abandoned #transformation #cutgrass #cuttingdown #cuttree


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