Deep Dive w/Scott: CircuitPython 9 recap

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Join Scott as he recaps the work that went into CircuitPython 9 and answers questions.

Thanks to dcd for the time codes!

0:00 Getting started
3:50 Hello and welcome
7:20 Recap on Circuit Python 9
9:20 USB featherwing
10:49 ESP IDF update / future 5.1 to 5.2
12:23 NRF52840 BLE Keyboard ?
14:07 ESP IDF migration guide 5.1 to 5.2 and esp32-camera
16:04 nRF53 future plans?
18:05 NRF soft device status
18:58 BLE Audio support? ( someday 'one' BLE stack )
19:30 Zepher vs. ESP NimBLE
20:20 Thread, Matter, Zigbee ...
21:45 RISC-V port for ESP32-C3 - starting point?
22:30 the peripherals are the hard port for CP porting
25:47 nRF 53+ only supporting Zephr?
28:55 Soft Float vs. Hard ABI
30:10 Adafruit has a litex port ( FPGA for "fomu" )
32:12 ESP32-P4 not available yet either
33:30 Displayio on Linux port ( blinka )
35:17 Early samples sometimes -
39:29 esp-usb-bridge
39:59 CP support for ExFat vs FAT32
40:19 CP 9.0
43:34 you can disable FutureWarning in CP
56:40 Use CP 9.0 with memento
59:49 CP ported to 484 boards
1:00:31 484 times 11 language ( considered external languages )
1:02:20 PEP 565 and deprecation warnings vs. CP
1:02:54 building update to ESP IDF 5.2.1
1:02:29 PyCascades in 2 weeks 2pm on Sunday the 7th
1:04:50 and github - creating slides
1:06:12 PyCascades 2020 talk
1:06:00 other talks in the northwest
1:08:38 return to the esp build
1:11:12 enabling copilot
1:15:40 GitButler and "so you think you know git"
1:16:00 Zed editor
1:22:30 Submodule issues
1:26:30 back to the esp idf 5.2.1 build and push
1:29:19 "ruff" for CP
1:32:43 "honcho" build system
1:36:25 external RAM and FPGAs / OrangeCrab / Electrosmith Daisy Seed
1:40:53 STM32H750 Value line
1:44:30 Scott's Digikey search :-)
1:48:10 stm32g0 - small packages
1:50:35 time to test the idf5.2.1 build
1:54:00 clang extensions and build systems like honcho - build libc
1:57:00 Flash usage of CP / Networking takes up a log.. 192K .. 2MB
1:59:57 Wrap up
2:01:29 back next week

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